12 Sep Artist Access Grants Program
2023-2024 Artist Access Application Cycle
The application period is open now!
We are pleased to announce the FY 2023-24 SPRING/SUMMER Artist Access Grant Application opens on February 5, 2024 with a deadline of March 11, 2024 at 11:59PM. The Spring-Summer is for professional development activities between April 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024.
Funded by Miami-Dade County and in partnership with FUNDarte, the Artist Access Grant Program is designed to assist practicing, professional artists in any medium or discipline residing in Miami-Dade County pursue opportunities that will advance their practice and careers in demonstrable ways.
Eligible opportunities include artistic professional development and skill-building opportunities such as specialized workshops, artist residencies, technique classes with master artists, conferences, teaching artist training, arts leadership training and other non-credit artistic learning opportunities (in person or virtual). Applicants must demonstrate how the potential, timeliness, and impact of the opportunities will forward the artist’s career.
Project-oriented opportunities (such as exhibits or performances that consist of presenting work to the public), professional certification, certificate, degree-seeking opportunities, opportunities presented by students (high school, undergraduate, graduate and any student enrolled in a degree program at the time of application) and touring engagements are not eligible for funding consideration. Costs associated with the presentation of exhibits or performances (such as installation expenses, supplies and materials and other project-related expenses) are not eligible.
Applicants can request up to $2,000 to assist with professional development opportunities expenses. Selected artists’ opportunities are paid on a reimbursement basis upon submission of a final report.
For Guidelines, how to apply and other important information, click on the TICKETS button on the right uper corner of this page.
Any questions don’t hesitate to contact Roxana Barba at rbarba@miamidade.gov or Carlos Caballero at info@fundarte.us
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