10 Sep Children’s Art Gala – Zun Zún Children Fest 2015
To celebrate the presence of Hispanic American culture in the United States, FUNDarte , Zunzún Arts & Education, and Fundación Cuatrogatos in association with Miami-Dade County Auditorium, present Miami’s first Hispanic Arts Festival for Children and Youth taking place from September 29 – October 3, 2015. Spanning one week and several cultural venus in the city, the festival will include academic talks, musical concerts, and plays. The festival will close with a Children’s Art Gala on October 3 at Miami-Dade County Auditorium. Tickets to this event are now available. (More information below)
The festival will offer participants an opportunity to come together around shared experiences with artistic creation, the teaching of arts and literature and their cultural promotion, as well as allowing them to get to know the work of world-class artists based here in Miami as well as visiting international artists.
The Gala will delight audiences, both old and young alike, by providing an opportunity to get close and celebrate the arts through music, dance and theater.
FUNDarte presented, Gala Infantil de las Artes – Zun Zún Children Fest at On.Stage Black Box, Miami-Dade County Auditorium, October 3, 2015. Photograph by Generacion Asere.
What: Gala Infantil de las Artes – Zun Zún Children Fest
When: October 3, 2015 – 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Where: Miami-Dade County Auditorium (2901 W Flagler St., Miami, FL 33135)
Price: $15 Adults | $5 Children under 12
Tickets: web- Ticketmaster at www.ticketmaster.com; Phone- (800) 745-3000 and at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium Box Office, Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
For More Information Call: (305) 547-5414; (305) 316-6165
October 3, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Miami-Dade County Auditorium
FUNDarte presented, Gala Infantil de las Artes – Zun Zún Children Fest at On.Stage Black Box, Miami-Dade County Auditorium, October 3, 2015. Photograph by Generacion Asere.
Rumba Flora – 2:30 p.m.
This project brings musicians, actors, and dancers onto the stage, with a musical score that was nominaled for a Latin Grammy in 2014. Rumba Flora recounts the adventures of Uva and Garbancito when they emigrate to distant lands and must adapt to a new space inhabited by beings different from themselves. This piece exposes children to some of the musical instruments and rhythms of the Caribbean. Starring Rita Rosa Ruesga y Company, this work is directed by Maricela Espinosa and Olegario Pérez, with set design by Mara Silva.
FUNDarte presented, Gala Infantil de las Artes – Zun Zún Children Fest at On.Stage Black Box, Miami-Dade County Auditorium, October 3, 2015. Photograph by Generacion Asere.
Como te lo canto, como te lo cuento/As I Sing It, So I Tell It – 3:30 p.m.
This project brings Spanish musician Jordi Tonietti and his musical group, narrating stories and singing. Tonietti has performed all over Spain as well as countries such as Belgium, Luxembourg, Andorra, Argentina and Guatemala.
FUNDarte presented, Gala Infantil de las Artes – Zun Zún Children Fest at On.Stage Black Box, Miami-Dade County Auditorium, October 3, 2015. Photograph by Generacion Asere.
El patico feo/ The Ugly Duckling – 4:30 p.m.
This theatrical production direct from Cuba bring the group Teatro de las Estaciones with an adaptation of the classic tale by Hans Christian Andersen. Teatro de las Estaciones was founded in Matanzas, Cuba in 1994. Some of the works presented in their impressive repertoire include Un gato con botas (Puss in Boots), La niña que riega la albahaca and Pelusín del Monte. This company has performed in Spain, France, Mexico, Italy, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Denmark, and the U.S., among other countries. The company is currently directed by Rubén Darío Salazar and Zenén Calero. Poetic Version: Norge Espinosa. Music: Elvira Santiago interpreted by Mayulei Álvarez. Concept and visual design: Rubén Darío Salazar and Zenén Calero. Costumes, sets, lighting and figures: Zenén Calero. Choreography: Liliam Padrón. Dramaturgic Consultant: Yamina Gibert. Art Design: Rubén Darío Salazar.
Workshops and Conferences
September 28 – 9:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m. Obrapia fine Arts Center 1648 SW 8 St. Miami Fl 33135 International Colloquium of music, children’s literature, and other creative expressions
As part of this event, the first International Colloquium of music, children’s literature, and other creative expressions will be presented.
The academic program includes talks by Sergio Andricaín (“Poesía para niños y jóvenes en Latinoamérica: miradas a la producción más reciente”/”Poetry for children and youth of Latin America: A look at recent production”); Imilka Fernández (“La música en el desarrollo sensorial del niño”/”Music in the sensorial development of children”); Marcos Menéndez (“Presentación de audiovisuales infantiles”/Presentation of Children’s AudioVisual Materials”); Rita Rosa Ruesga (“Uso de las canciones en la enseñanza de idioma español”/”The use of songs in the teaching of the Spanish language”), Yudeski Torres (“Recursos digitales para las clases de idioma español”/”Digital resources for the Spanish language classes”) and Yeline Zamora (“Taller de poesía y décima para educadores”/”/”Poetry Workshop for Educators”).
Music and Theater for Children
September 30 and October 2 – On.Stage Black Box at Miami-Dade County Auditorium (2901 W Flagler St , Miami, FL 33135)
Rita Rosa Ruesga and Company will present her musical theater piece Rumba Flora; Jordi Tonietti will present Como te lo canto, como te lo cuento/As I Sing it So I Tell It and Teatro de las Estaciones will perform El patico feo/The Ugly Duckling. All of these artists will also participate on October 3 in the Children’s Arts Gala taking place in the same venue.
Sergio Andricaín (Cuba-U.S.) is a sociologist, writer, journalist, and literary researcher. He has published over 30 books for children and youth. Together with Antonio Orlando Rodríguez, he co-founded Fundación Cuatrogatos, a Miami-based company that works to expose audiences to literature for children and youth in order to promote reading.
Imilka Fernández (Cuba) is a Musicologist, Pianist and Choir Director, as well as Curator of Historical Music Archives and founder of the Worldwide Cuban Music Archive.
Marcos Menéndez (Cuba is an animator and filmmaker. Among his many awards, he received the Latin American Prize in Short Film at Notodofilmfest in Madrid, Spain in 2014 and the prize for Best Animation at the ICAIC 2015 Youth Exhibition in Cuba. He currently works with Los Grandes Amigos, a children’s performing arts company.
Rita Rosa Ruesga (Cuba) is an educator, choir director, and singer/songwriter of children’s songs. Nominated for four Latin Grammy Awards in 2015, and winner of one International Latino Book Award in 2014, she also co-founded Los grandes amigos and West Miami Children’s Choir.
Yudeski Torres (Venezuela) holds a degree in early childhood education from Florida International University and is a specialist in educational technology for the teaching of the Spanish language.
Yeline Zamora (Cuba) holds a degree in Socio-cultural Studies and teaches Music Theory. She was a well-known radio and television presenter in Cuba as well as curator of rural music and literature in Cuba.
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