12 Jun We Stand in Solidarity
We Stand in Solidarity with the Black Community. FUNDarte stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and with black communities around the world. We condemn systemic racism, injustice, and inequality present in our communities in the United States and internationally. As an organization dedicated to Latinx artists, we are committed to fighting all forms of hate, xenophobia, and exclusion. We know that until these inherent inequities are rooted out, our work and the ability of black and afro-Latinx artists to thrive locally, nationally and worldwide won’t be manifest. Embedded in our mission is the support for black and afro-Latinx artists in Miami and across the expanse of Latin America and the Caribbean and beyond, and FUNDarte understands that the racial inequities that exist in these communities have negatively impacted too many of the artists we call our own.
To honor those currently fighting for racial justice and to raise awareness about the negative impact of racism in our communities, we will be highlighting the performances of black and afro-Latinx artists from the United States, and the Caribbean who we have presented in past seasons.
Celebrating the Role of the Black Culture
FUNDarte presented Toshi Reagon and BIGLovely in concert, as part of Out in the Tropics seventh edition at The Gleason Room at the Fillmore, Miami Beach, on June 16th, 2016.
Born in Atlanta, Toshi Reagon was raised in Washington, D.C., the daughter of socially conscious, musically hipparents who had a vast record collection that included blues, old Negro work songs, and other forms of traditional folk music. Reagon is a one-woman celebration of all that’s dynamic, progressive and uplifting in American music. Since first taking to the stage at age 17, this versatile singer-songwriter-guitarist has moved audiences of all kinds with her big-hearted, hold-nothing-back approach to rock, blues, R&B, country, folk, spirituals and funk. More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/out-in-the-tropics-2016
FUNDarte, Miami Light Project and The Rhythm Foundation presented Global Cuba Fest featuring Yelsy Heredia and Brenda Navarrete in Concert, as part of Global Cuba Fest at North Beach Bandshell, Miami Beach, on March 7th, 2020.
Brenda Navarrete is one of Cuba’s most celebrated rising stars, fusing ancestral Afro-Cuban heritage with contemporary jazz influences. A singer and percussionist, Navarrete plays the batá, a set of three double-headed drums that are traditionally used in Afro-Cuban religious ceremonies. Her skill breaks a santería taboo, which holds that women are forbidden to even touch the batá.
With her short, but exquisite album, Mi Mundo, Miss Navarrete joins the ranks of her musical elders, Roman Diaz, Pedrito Martinez, as one of the premier batá drummers and vocalists to emerge as musician and Lucumí who have also made a successful transition to Jazz, Latin-Jazz and other hybrid styles of traditional and popular Latin-American music. More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/global-cuba-fest-2020
Yelsy Heredia harbored a passion for changüí, the distinctive and less-known rhythm of his native Guantanamo, in eastern Cuba. Changüí is the traditional rhythm of the sugar it was the first contemporary music to combine Spanish canción and guitar with African rhythms and percussion.
Heredia’s 2019 release of changüí tunes, Lo Nuestro, was nominated for a Latin Grammy. He will bring his music to the Bandshell for this special concert, accompanied by a band of other eight top Cuban musicians. More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/global-cuba-fest-2020
FUNDarte presented The Garifuna Collective featuring Umalali, as part of our No Borders series. This concert was a celebration and a rare opportunity to experience Garifuna music and culture in Miami. as part of our No Borders series. This concert was a celebration and a rare opportunity to experience Garifuna music and culture in Miami.
FUNDarte presented The Garifuna Collective featuring Umalali, as part of our No Borders series. This concert was a celebration and a rare opportunity to experience Garifuna music and culture in Miami.
This musical heritage defies national borders and spans the Caribbean coast of Central America, with this exhilarating ensemble of female vocalists performing a contemporary tribute to the traditional Garifuna music, featuring an array of fiery Caribbean rhythms. Miami-Dade County Auditorium, on Jan. 27th, 2018. More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/the-garifuna-collective-featuring-umalali.
FUNDarte, Miami Light Project and The Rhythm Foundation presented Daymé Arocena and CIMAFUNK in concert, as part of Global Cuba Fest at North Beach Bandshell, Miami Beach, on March 30th, 2019.

Daymé Arocena effortlessly blends traditional Santeria chant, jazz stylings, contemporary R&B influences, and Afro-Cuban rhythmic complexity for audiences worldwide. Her passion for the musical traditions of her homeland is boundless – “reigniting the Cuban soundtrack wherever she plays” (NPR). At every performance, Daymé coaxes her audiences into lively call-and-response chants with an irrepressible smile on her face, enamoring the whole audience in her charm. “Scat-singing over her trio’s swaying rhumbas and cha-cha-chas,” (DownBeat), Daymé’s impact upon the history of Cuban music is undeniable. More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/dayme-arocena-and-cimafunk
Erik Alejandro Rodriguez—known as Cimafunk—is the latest and hottest addition to Havana’s melting pot music scene. Born in Cuba’s rural province of Pinar del Rio, Erik sang at his church on Sundays before working odd jobs and eventually deciding to study medicine. After two years, he realized his calling was to create music, so he dropped out of school, moved to Havana, and began his journey as Cimafunk. In 2018, he saw record numbers of concert-goers at Cuba’s hottest cultural space, the Fábrica de Arte, which has launched his fanbase on and off the island. Cimafunk’s music blends a range of explosive funk and Afro-Cuban rhythms and rituals. Unlike anything happening in the world today, Cimafunk’s sounds are a sped up, highly danceable and Caribbean injected reckoning of “Brick House.” It’s unlike anything happening in the music world today.
More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/dayme-arocena-and-cimafunk
Inez Barlatier is a Miami-grown songstress, originally a founding member of Kazoots, and long-time member of Jan Sebon & Kazak International, Barlatier has performed extensively as a singer-songwriter, folkloric dancer, actress & hand drum percussionist. She has defined a powerful Roots sound that reflects her Haitian heritage and infuses African, Brazilian, and Caribbean influences in a strong contemporary flow, giving voice to a wholly unique representation of tropical folk. Special guest appearance by artist Jan Sebon. More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/climakaze-miami
FUNDarte and Miami Light Project in collaboration with Miami Dade County Auditorium presented Yusa in Concert with
Horacio “El Negro” Hernandez among others as part of Global Cuba Fest at Miami Dade County Auditorium, on March 10th, 2018.
Yusa is a multi-instrumentalist who is perfectly at ease playing guitar, bass, keyboard, or percussion instruments. Her voice is also a powerful instrument, and she writes a great deal of her own material. Her music is defined as a young and thoroughly modern musical style laced with funk, jazz, rap, and soul influences, but holding on tightly to its African and Caribbean roots. Yusa is often described as a poet, and her songs expose the personal daily struggles of living in Havana. A master collaborator, Yusa has recorded and performed with top artists working in a variety of musical genres, creating a fresh and sophisticated sound that opens up a new dimension of Cuban music. More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/global-cuba-fest-2018
Volcán, an all-star project featuring the prodigious talents product of years of friendship, respect and a diverse and rich musical heritage. With over 150 albums between them as leaders and side-men, these highly revered musicians have joined forces to our delight. This project by Grammy award winning artists presents the latest innovations in Latin Jazz with Afro-Caribbean and Classical influences as well as other contemporary musical genres. More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/global-cuba-fest-2015
FUNDarte and MiamiLight Project in collaboration with Miami Dade County Auditorium, presented Piano Marathon Cubano featuring: Aldo López-Gavilán and Jorge Luis Pacheco as part of Global Cuba Fest, at Miami Dade County Auditorium,on March 7th, 2015.
Aldo López-Gavilán was born to a family of acclaimed classical musicians and the London Times described him as “not only a formidable virtuoso, but also exceeding in works that require extraordinary color and fascinating sounds.”
Jorge Luis Pacheco is another of the leading pianists of the new generation of jazz in Cuba and is also a talented percussionist, composer, and vocalist. More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/global-cuba-fest-2015
FUNDarte and MiamiLight Project presented The Creole Choir of Cuba as part of the Global Cuba Fest, at North Beach Bandshell, Miami Beach, on March 17th, 2013.
The Creole Choir of Cuba performed a concert of vocal music honoring the history of their Haitian ascendants enslaved to the Caribbean from West Africa. The Creole Choir’s ten remarkable singers have nurtured traditional Haitian resistance songs and revived vocal traditions passed down through their Haitian-Cuban families since the early 19th century, gradually incorporating contemporary Haitian influences into their unique hybrid sound. This unforgettable concert will delight audiences both young and old and unite Miami’s Cuban and Haitian communities in a celebration and homage to our shared cultural roots.
More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/global-cuba-fest-2013
FUNDarte and MiamiLight Project presented Interactivo in concert, as part of Global Cuba Fest at North Beach Bandshell, Miami Beach, on April 1st, 2012.
More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/global-cuba-fest-2012/
FUNDarte and MiamiLight Project presented the US premiere of Cuban chanteuse Osdalgia, and seminal Cuban Hip Hop band Doble Filo as part of Global Cuba Fest, at the Wynwood Walls, on July 9th, 2011.
Heralded as the daughter of the Buena Vista Social Club, Osdalgia is one of the most multifaceted songstresses of contemporary Cuban music. Through her smoldering voice, humor and beauty, Osdalgia has enraptured audiences the world over with her songs of rumba, emotion filled boleros and salsa. Osdalgia’s Miami performance marks a long awaited and eagerly anticipated debut in the United States.
More information about this event at: https://fundarte.us/fundarte-event/osdalgia-and-doble-filo-in-concert-global-cuba-fest-2011
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